What time is it? ....Now.
What are you? ....This moment.
We saw a movie last night about the true story of a sportman who had an accident and was removed from competition. Thanks to mindfulness techniques, training and a good coacher (not his sport-coacher but a wise man he found one day), he came back and won the competition. Doctors said he could never compete again.
I find interesting and amazing the idea that one can find a "master" so easily. It happens a lot in movies but I ask myself how many people have found one. I mean these special gurus or wise masters that appear into your life just in the right moment. There is a quote which says "the master appears when the disciple is ready". Maybe I don't believe strong enough or I am not ready. So far I have only met two women that made a great contribution to the quality of my life. Both were coachers and I went to them asking for advice. It was not casual at all. Now I am passing through another episode in my life, where I need answers and I do not know where they are or who can help me to find them. Is it a question of faith in finding a good coacher? Is that wisdom already inside me? I want to believe.